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Monday, October 15, 2012

Greens Aeration

Here are a few pictures from our greens aeration.

John aerating 17 green
After the holes are punched we double cut the green to smooth the putting surface as well as remove any tufts of turf above the aeration holes to allow the holes to be filled with sand during topdressing.

10th green after aeration 
Aeration opens up the putting surface enabling more efficient air and water movement throughout the rootzone. This reduces the chance in the winter months of standing water developing on the putting surface which could potentially lead to turf loss.
Bruce topdressing 16 green
After topdressing, we then dragmat the green to move the sand into the aertaion holes. To finish off the process the greens are mowed once more to smooth the putting surface and any aeration holes disturbed by the dragmat.