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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Something new

The If-Only-They-Would-Use-It Ball Mark Repair Tool
Divot Genie
Some ideas are just plain simple, and the Divot Genie falls into that category. Golfers love gadgets, especially gadgets they can take out of their pocket and attach to their putters. Why not make that gadget a ball mark repair tool? The Divot Genie magnetically attaches to any putter that allows the golfer to fix ball marks without the need to bend over. For non-carbon steel putters, there's a magnet that can be glued for attachment.

I've seen enough elderly golfers in my day using suction cups on the end of their putter grips to retrieve their balls from the hole to think that maybe this little device might make a difference in the Great Ball Mark War we've been losing for the past century. At a cost of only $19.95, convince your golf professional to stock a display unit in his shop, right next to the register.

1 comment:

Mike Edgerton said...

Hi Bruce
Global warming in the north country yet. We had 3" monday. Like your new blog.
How do your greens look
take care mike